What are YOU doing?

December 16, 2007

Don’t know how to get involved in a Christmas Outreach?

We’ve provided a list of events that our church will be “showing up” for in the Ft. Lauderdale area.

My family took part in a couple of outreach opportunities this week at some nursing homes.  Its amazing to see how just a few minutes of sharing Jesus with someone, (as a family), brings back that “Christmas Spirit” feeling that you thought was long gone.

It doesnt have to be difficult or expensive.

You dont have to be a Bible scholar.

You just have to share the gifts that God has already given you.

Go for it!

Christmas inside out

December 7, 2007

This year at CCFL we are doing Christmas inside out.  We usually do the big stadium thing.  Great music, lights, big crowd…its lots of fun.

This year we arent inviting the city to our big party.  We are dropping in on theirs. 

We’re visiting over 65 families in need, giving them a decorated Christmas tree and gifts for their entire family.  We are dropping in on business Christmas parties, public events, homeless hangouts, malls, foster homes, nursing homes, hospitals, and literally taking Christmas to the city.

Its refreshing.

Its contagious.

Its community.

It works.

Its sharing the miracle of what Jesus did.  Not just handing out candy canes and saying God bless you.  Its sharing the Gospel in a tangible way, to those in need and those with plenty.

Bob Jamz

October 12, 2007

What does it really mean to be “In Christ“?

Your Dash.net

October 5, 2007

The media team at CCFL just completed a new tool for evangelism call Your Dash.net

It forces us to stop and realize that our life is just a vapor, and our opportunity to do something with it is quickly slipping away.

Its got a blog attached so we can begin to develop community and conversation….so go there now!

Lost Crusaders

October 3, 2007

Ive been dealing with some Lost Crusaders this week.

Christians that have lost their way, finding their identity in trying to trash ours.

Its sad really, that good men, who want to uphold Christs values have turned instead to puffing themselves up, pretending to be watchdogs of us all.

I won’t name them, or talk to them, (there is no reasoning with an unreasonable person)…..just pray for them.

Miami Herald Article

September 16, 2007

I was interviewed this week for an article in the Miami Herald about online church.

Check it out here


September 6, 2007

I got to spend some time yesterday with Craig Janssen from Acoustic Dimentions.  His firm is doing the technical design in our theater in our new discipleship bldg, and for our future sanctuary.

This guy is stinkin’ brilliant.

His perspective on everything that has to do with performance, church, the digital future, and the current state of the body of Christ is amazing to listen to.

I find myself getting stuck in my environment and thinking like I always think.  Its good to get a fresh look every now and then.

Thanks Craig!

The new list published by Church Report Online is out. 

Last year when this listwas published, Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale was somewhere in the 40’s.  We had not been contacted about the list, or participated in the survey, but we made the list. 

That made some people mad……..at US!  Just because we ended up on the same list that “seeker-sensitive”, “purpose-driven”, “emerging”, “pentecostal”, “liberal”, “positive-confession”, or “positive-thinking”, churches were on.   In fact we were accused of being some of the above, just because we were on the list!  (and please excuse me if I left your favorite label off my short list)

This year we jumped to number 18.

Apparently, we have become more influential than last year…..without even trying.

I don’t know what to attribute this good, (or bad, depending on who you talk to) fortune on, but we will probably make someone mad again…..without even trying.

Either way, it doesn’t really matter.  It never even enters our thinking as to what God calls us to do here.  My prayer is that we will always listen to the voice of Him who called us, instead of the one that put us on a list.

Get Right

July 15, 2007

Get right To God 

Pastor Bob began a study in the Book of Romans this week.  We will be going verse by verse on Wednesdays, and topically on the weekends.

Its the first time that he has taught a book this particular way, and its a refreshing change.

Get Right To God is the theme.  Get Right TO God?  Yes, the idea is that if you can get directly to God, in any situation, you will be “right WITH God”.

Check out the teaching!


June 28, 2007

Here’s another BobJamz.  Take a listen!

Its My Past